Factors that influence conforism in UGC context
Sosyal Psikoloji I - Final Sınavı
Stock-picking for optimal portfolio with time horizont one month
Marcel Daňko
Go/No-Go Study
これは語彙性判断課題、表示された単語が実在するかしないかを判断してもらうものです。 (This is a lexicality judgment task, in which you are ask...
ALDT demo recreated for homework 4
ALDT task for PL3281E.
Welcome to my experiment where i measure how humans perceive different types of sounds. All informat...
Ilana stroop
You will asked to watch a short video clip and then answer a questionnaire
Para realizar estas tareas utiliza el navegador Google Chrome o Firefox Mozilla en tu computador.
Belkıs Durmuş
Ege University
Bună! Mă numesc Melhem Gloria-Rosemary iar acest studiu este pentru un proiect la Psihologie Experim...
Va rog sa imi acordati cateva minute pentru analiza memoriei de scurta durata
We try to research the connection between contamination OCD and memory ability. We provide several q...
Lia Neumayer
University of Konstanz
Watch some videos and answer questions.
שלום, תודה שאתם משתתפים במחקר!
Welcome to this neuroscience study on modularity in musical and linguistic syntax processing.
Ekko Ubbens
Acest studiu are ca scop determinarea măsurii în care stereotipurile de gen și genul influențează me...
Bună! Numele meu este Frumoasa Milena-Georgia, iar acest experiment este realizat de mine și poate f...
Study to measure an effect of music on solving tasks
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