(Online) (RN61) Sound Symbolism [Study 2 - Cross-modal Mapping]
Swetha Shanmugavel
National University of Singapore
In this study, you will be asked to view videos and imagine different scenarios in which new heartbe...
Duangkamol Srismith
University of Konstanz
Salut ! Mă numesc Marcu Petru - Răzvan, iar acest experiment stă la baza studiului meu realizat de ...
Marc Wiedmann
Universität Konstanz
This test is to see the general age of people who use Open Lab
Zuzanna Gurzyńska i Alicja Klimowska, studentki I roku Psychologii Zdrowia na Gdańskim Uniwersytecie...
Jonathan Silas
Middlesex University
In this second part of the Study, you will listen to some audio. Your task is to decide whether the ...
Jessalin Tan
Auditory Lexical Decision Task
Umfrage über den Fremdsprachenunterricht als Wahlpflichtfach an der weiterführenden Schule Zielgrup...
Research Collaboration with Blackpool Sixth Form College
John Everett Marsh
University of Central Lancashire
A behavioural economics experiment on buying behaviours.
John Tan Zhu En
Nanyang Technological University
PYU515 Group 10
Good Day everyone! We are a group of students from Faculty of Computer Science and Information Techn...
You will study and commit to memory unrelated word-pairs. Your memory for the word-pairs will be tes...
Eileen Haebig
Louisiana State University
In this study, you will be presented images of corgi butts or bread. Your task is to decide if the i...
Marius Barth
Universität zu Köln
Welcome to the study about the semantic network structure of people with varying levels of creativit...
Psychological research
Department of Psychological Science, Kwansei Gakuin University.
Bună! Mă numesc Caia Georgiana-Andreea, sunt studentă la Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai, anul I-ZI iar e...
Caia Georgiana-Andreea
Acesta este un mic experiment, iar tu faci parte din unul din cele 4 grupuri de studiu al memoriei
Witamy w naszym "muzycznym" eksperymencie. Jest on prowadzony przez studentki I roku psychologii zdr...
Etude DRA pré-test
University of Oslo
Acest studiu urmărește relația dintre memoria de scurtă durată și atenția acordata anumitor categori...
no description right now
Study about how contemporary music as Lo-Fi affect cognitive performace.
Tägliche Erinnerung
Dr. Hadj Meziane
Whitney Galindo
UNC Chapel Hill
Page 1 of 6 - 512 total results