Welcome to Open Lab – a platform for running online experiments! We are glad to have you here. This information is for researchers, so please first register as a researcher. Registration is simple and only requires an email and a password.
After registering as a researcher, you can explore the available tasks or run your own study. The navigation menu in the header contains the links to the three main steps you will have to follow to conduct an online study.
Tasks Browse available tasks and upload your own task
Studies Set up your study
Data Review and download collected data
Enter the name of the task you want to search for in the Search tasks field.
Only one study can be activated at a time. If you have more than one study, you can switch between them by using the "Choose a study" drop-down menu on the right.
Under "Account", you can edit your name, email address, and preferred language. Open Lab currently supports English, German, and Russian.
If you use Open Lab, you can cite it as:
Shevchenko, Y. (2022). Open Lab: A Web application for running and sharing online experiments. Behavior Research Methods, 1-8.